Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring is Here.

Shirt > Keep It Simple
It's impossible to go wrong with a white dress shirt as long as it's crisp and fits perfectly.
Tie > Solid 
Leave the silk tie at home. Go for solid, cotton, cool.
Pocket Square > Straight 
No peaks, no poufs, keep it square and white.
Shoes > Go Dark
You can't really argue with black lace-ups. Ever. I hope you do own a pair, don't you?

Suit Tommy Hilfiger, Shirt H&M, Shoes Aldo, Tie DKNY, Pocket Square D&G
Where to buy it? Email me for more information. Juan Carlos Alcazar

Shirt > Gingham
Nothing says spring in a more stylish or refined way. 
Pocket Square > Pattern
First of all get a cotton pocket square. Think bandanna rather than silk kerchief.
Shoes > Brown
A khaki suit wants a pair of chocolate brown lace-ups.

Suit Calvin Klein, Shirt H&M, Shoes Kenneth Cole, Tie DKNY, Pocket Square
Where to buy it? Email me for more information. Juan Carlos Alcazar

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